MAP *Parking in rear

MAP    *Parking in rear

#200-678 West Broadway
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V5Z 1G1

Phone: 604.876.7999
Fax: 604.876.7909

Monday to Friday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturdays: we are closed on weekends and stat holidays.

News Archives



 British Columbia is expecting severe winter conditions this year. To keep you and your home safe, we pass on this information:

 –         If you’re away from home for four days or longer, make sure your plumbing system is drained or someone is checking your home daily to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting. Most home insurance policies will not cover water damage due to frozen burst pipes unless these actions are taken.

–         When it starts to snow, watch for heavy accumulation on roofs, canopies, greenhouses, etc. as these can collapse under the weight of snow. Keep your stairs and walkways free of snow to avoid costly “slip & fall” claims.

–         Make sure your drain tiles and drainage around your home are free of obstructions as these are the cause of flooding and sewer back-up. The cost to have it checked by a plumber is usually less than your insurance deductible.

–         Maintain and secure your fences and trees to avoid windstorm damage.

–         Use caution and common sense when using candles in your home. Have fire extinguishers and smoke detectors nearby.

 To see examples of actual claims we’ve experienced over the years, visit our “Tales From The Claims File” at

10 reasons why you should deal with an independent insurance broker

When you call us, you’ll speak to a real person; a professional who has been in the business for at least 15 years. You won’t speak to a machine (except after hours) and you’ll be treated with respect and in a manner to which we would like to be treated.

  1. We represent you, the consumer. We look out for YOUR best interests; not the interests of the insurance company. We’ll check for the best rates and best coverages that suit YOU.
  2. When you ask us a question by phone, email or in person, you’ll usually be provided with an answer immediately or within 24 hours. If we don’t know the answer, we’ll find out who does.
  3. We belong to the “Insurance Brokers Association of BC”, which ensures we maintain a high standard of service to the public through education, advocacy, professional conduct and community involvement.
  4. We create a longterm relationship with our clients. Our records are filed by YOUR NAME. Not by a number. You are treated like a human being, not a number.
  5. When a claim happens to you, we are here to help you through the process.
  6. We know your families and will be able to suggest coverages based on your lifestyle, budget, needs, etc. The “direct” insurance companies have no idea who you are.
  7. We are a small company and that makes us flexible and quick to change; we’ll wait around for you if you’re late and can accommodate your special needs.
  8. We can help you with other services such as advice on home and auto repairs & maintenance, making your home & business safer, and recommend other businesses and professionals to help you with practically anything.
  9. We’ve been here since 1959 and we’ll be here tomorrow and the day after. We’re not going to be acquired by some large bank.


最新情報  ICBCのクレームセンターは新たに日本語の通訳サービスを設置致しました。クレームの際は、ICBCのダイヤルクレーム(604) 520-8222に電話をし、日本語担当希望の旨お伝え下さい。年中無休、24時間体制でご利用頂けます。

NEW !! - ICBC Claim Reporting in Japanese

NEW !!  –  ICBC now offers claim reporting services in 170 languages including Japanese.  Simply call Dial-a-Claim at 604-520-8222 (24 hours/day) and ask for the free service.


Let it snow, let it snow...but not too much!!

Don’t let this happen to you…..heavy snowfall will collapse patios and roofs. Clear the snow early before it becomes too heavy to move.


8before and after photos of a lovely backyard tent that couldn’t handle the weight of snow.

Check out more types of claims in our “Tales from the claims file” page under the “Claims” tab.


Did you know you can request a Change of Address for your Driver’s Licence ONLINE? Simply visit and follow the instructions. To make the address change on your car insurance, please give us a call or visit our office.

Going away this winter?.......Prevent frozen pipes.

Almost every home insurance  policy contains a little-known exclusion that states “…water damage caused by freezing (pipes) is NOT COVERED if you are away from home for FOUR CONSECUTIVE DAYS or longer UNLESS you have drained the plumbing OR arranged for someone to check the house daily”……

We rarely have to worry about freezing pipes but all it takes is a few days of cold weather and the failure of your furnace; We’ve seen it happen to people who left for winter vacation and didn’t take precautions. So before you leave for sunny beaches, take a moment to shut off your water at the main line or have a reliable friend enter the house every day to make sure the heat is on. Even if you don’t go away in the winter, shut off the water supply to your outdoor taps to prevent those from freezing.